- Date:
- 04/29/05
- Time:
- 03:01:45 PM
hi mark
thxs for the tube bender info mark. working on a chopper.
warren calgary canada

- Date:
- 04/21/05
- Time:
- 08:25:54 PM
Hi, I was just browsin and came upon your site. I saw your nifty tube bender. would you be upset if i built one similar to it as i am a welder fabricator too. I would probably modify it to do different size pipes
thanx Garry

- Date:
- 04/04/05
- Time:
- 04:41:47 AM
Dan Bellerud; Gren Bay, WI (Mini Chopper; Harley Custome build; Racing Lawn Mower) - Great site!

- Date:
- 04/03/05
- Time:
- 11:27:33 AM
Hi My name is Wally Robinson in Winnemucca Nevada and I am building A johny's speed and chrome 2+2 sandrail with an 002 trans and an intercooled ford 2.3 turbo out of a mercur. Your wiring schematic is working great and your how too section is excellent

- Date:
- 04/01/05
- Time:
- 10:35:45 AM
ted rash
website was very helpfull.thanks
san diego ca.
68 baja bug.swing axle too irs conversion

- Date:
- 03/10/05
- Time:
- 11:28:53 PM
I think your website is wicked. Thanks to this website my sad baja has became a beast. keep it goin'

- Date:
- 03/06/05
- Time:
- 05:57:16 AM
Just got a chance to look at the new battery setup on your Snowriver truck camper, which by the way looks awesome. I hope Bob took some notes and considers implementing at least part of your design as RV owners want capacity, as much as they can get. Just wanted to also thank you for the wonderful words of praise for Funtime RV. Believe me it did not go unnoticed. Yesterday I had the opportunity to show JD (Jerry Fisk) owner of Funtime RV, and he was very flattered. We sell fun and pride ourselves on taking care of our customers. You have been an absolute pleasure to work with. As always, if you need anything call or stop by.
Jodi Goodness/sales
Funtime RV, inc.

- Date:
- 02/15/05
- Time:
- 12:21:02 AM
56 chev P/U
I need to make a square tube roller. My old lady wants me to make some dam gates before I can start on the truck with my kid (12yrs). I think I have an idea now,

- Date:
- 01/31/05
- Time:
- 01:55:41 PM
Tim Lynch
Comfort, Texas
I am building a 1929 Ford Model A Roaster Rod, its a SHAy reproduction car, these where sold by Ford in the early 80's
they came with Ford 2.3 ford in them, I'm stuffing am 88 Turbo 2.3 in mine. with a five speed.
I bough an rolled 88 TurboCoupe and pulled everything I thought I needed out I needed.
One thing I have been sweating is the WIRING!!! But you have posted a great wiring diagram I plan to use. I will still need some help once I start. I keep revisiting you site just to see what you are up to.
I hope to start the Wireing/Fuel pump project in a couple months. I may need your help.
Thanks for posting such great stuff, even us street rod guys can use

- Date:
- 01/31/05
- Time:
- 11:01:59 AM
L Kleinfeldt; Las Vegas, Nv; 1966 Street Bug, want to convert to IRS, Your info is the best I have found, Thanks for sharing! Lots of people won't give advise unless you spend lots of money.

- Date:
- 01/29/05
- Time:
- 05:18:30 AM
Hank Horn
No website yet
St. Cloud, Florida
Hey your website is great. I like the how-to pages gives me some ideas. I wrenching on a 75 standard baja. I plan on having afriend of mine weld up a tubular frame with a-arm suspension. I have a pinto engine and type 2 trans. Will send pictures when I can.

- Date:
- 01/01/05
- Time:
- 09:22:45 PM
doug lawson
joplin missouri
think your site is kool
im wrenching on a 63 drag bug 69 baja 2 sand rails and any thing to do with vw's
our club is about 8 months old and still growing. bad thing there ain't many places to of road
around here. if you all get a chance come check out our web site

- Date:
- 12/06/04
- Time:
- 01:04:26 PM
taters back got motor done finally sounds strong not got to drive it yet too cold in kcmo,rounding up the parts to with over to type 181 thing brakes all round when i geterdone i will find camera to send pics later tater

- Date:
- 12/04/04
- Time:
- 09:42:04 PM
My name is Roy Lenhardt
Im from Eugene, Oregon.
I have a '59 Baja w/ a 1.8L water cooled motor(VW of course), 4-Point roll cage, fiberglass one
piece front end, Chevy 5-lug adapter plates, 15 gal. fuel cell under rear window, Scat shifter, bug pak wiring harness, fiberglass racing buckets w/ covers, plus other little things. I would like to make the 4-point into a full cage to the front and rear, disc brakes front and rear, A-arm front and rear, IRS
conversion, 33 x 12.5 rear tires, 29 x 7 front tires, custom stereo, keyless entry/ alarm, racing harness, lets just say that I have
allot of things that I would like to do to her but I would like to have a daily driver but also be a killer offroader. If you have any
suggestions for me I would appreciate it.

- Date:
- 11/04/04
- Time:
- 01:02:09 PM
Steve[tater] Reents working on 70 bsja bug just finished stout 1835 {cwcrank 110cam 40x37 valved headssingle 40dellorto 009 dis. blue coil} runs good needs
better brakes. oh well just somthun else ta spend my lack of funds on. would it do any good to put type181 thing trailing arms on the front of my balljoint front end? thanks
for your time tater at grouchangrace@webtv.net

- Date:
- 10/26/04
- Time:
- 08:13:46 PM
lARRY Johnson
Southern ca.
I working on old Hi jumper rail set for the desert "it had been roll be for I own it" and last Oct.03 I roll 5 times, so they say, I only remember the last roll. How my hand looks like it be roll too. "But it" the same one my mother made for me." Just replace my type 1 trans with a type two . I am at the point
do I get after market axles and go 3x3 or 2x3 ?? one thing I know I will be at Red Rock
Thanks Giving week Larry Johnson

- Date:
- 10/24/04
- Time:
- 09:23:33 PM
Hi guys;
My boys call me pop, I'm 67 yrs. old and I live in San Mateo, Ca. I've been a backyard racer all my life and when I stumbled onto your website I couldn't believe it. There are still backyard fabricators around. GREAT!! Seems everyone around here has more $$ than gumption and purchase all their tools and parts readymade. My son has gone along with me ,and is fabricating parts for his '62 bug, even if it takes him longer than a trip to the store. He's happy to learn and save money. My project is a '57
Chevy 2-dr. with a 383 stroker motor and a 700 R4 tranny. Disc brakes, power steering, tilt wheel, etc. All components on chassis made by us here in our backyard shop. After showing him your website, I don't look quite as crazy to him. Your website is great and it's refreshing to see people willing to share info. and projects. As soon as I learn how to scan my pictures, I'll send you some of our homemade projects. Keep the site going, I love it.

- Date:
- 10/01/04
- Time:
- 08:55:28 PM
Terry Graham.
Don't have my site up and running yet.
I am originally from Dallas, Texas, I now call Beebe, Arkansas my home.
I work on almost anything. In the past I have specialized in aircraft parts...titanium, aluminum,
magnesium, and racecar parts (from chassis to trailering) using inconel, 4130, etc. I have been out of the business for about 11 years, but just re-invested into a mig and tig welding machine, drill press, good air compressor, etc. After seeing OCC on Discovery Channel, I decided there might be a need for someone that can work semi-exotics...not just carbon steel. So here I go into biz...wish me luck.
Love your site...I anm completely gonna rip off your tube-bender LOL. Very informative site.

- Date:
- 09/27/04
- Time:
- 08:38:02 AM
Bryan robinson
Streator, IL
Warrior ATV, 1990 chevy truck ( soon to be 4x4 monster), dodge ram 4x4..
Great web sight you have for tools and toys...

- Date:
- 09/10/04
- Time:
- 05:37:43 PM
My name is Dan and I love your site!
I am from Georgia but there is not much v-dub stuff out here :(
right now I have a Datsun 260z that has about 200 hp but has been sitting for the past 5 years or so until I rescued it this past November 03. I have been into VWs for many years now and I am about to buy a bug in the next few months to do a rail
Baja w/ a 2.3 turbo. Right now I am in welding school and our class is about to buy a $6000 pipe bender and the instructor wants to build a rail buggy. I want to build my rail baja sort of like INSAYN's rail but with seating for 4 and a
roof rack for camping. I have 700 Baja pics on my computer so I am coming up with some ideas for my
great site and BUG ON!!!

- Date:
- 09/01/04
- Time:
- 05:56:35 PM
Earl Locke No website Pensacola, FL
Lots of tinkering, biggest project to date: Super Comp cartire drabike (8.90 in 1/4 mile). I cut off the rear of a trashed chassis and built a new back half, looks pretty damn good for a beginner. To me, it had to have aesthetic value as well as function, otherwise your just a hack. Just picked up a junior dragster for my daughter. Hell, I might sell it so I can BUILD a tubing bender and build it myself, thanks to you guys. There are alot of great ideas here, you guys rock. KUDOS!!

- Date:
- 08/26/04
- Time:
- 10:53:38 AM
Kevin, from Provo Utah. Great site. I use it all the time and am always checking for updates. How about adding a forum.

- Date:
- 07/31/04
- Time:
- 04:36:55 PM
Greg Miller Louisville Ky Love the insight........ wish it came with measured plans. Will try to make a tubing bender like yours one day. I am interested in metal fabrication and making the tools and machines myself when possible or purchasing commercial grade cheap. Looking for plasma cutter design plans and metal chop saw plans. Have tig and wire welder, metal brake, slips, grinders, etc and I too am going to Harbor Freight for a tubing notcher. Thanks, I have enjoyed your site repeatedly. Greg

- Date:
- 07/31/04
- Time:
- 01:59:26 AM
GREAT WEBSITE one of the best i have seen

- Date:
- 07/20/04
- Time:
- 11:57:10 PM
I live in east central Minnesota
Wrenching on custom choppers
found your site from the Chopper Builders Handbook
You guys have great site, lots of tube and other metal fab info

- Date:
- 05/23/04
- Time:
- 06:41:32 PM
My name is ziggy I am from NJ originaly from poland. I am glad I found your site I am working on pipe bender. I got one12t from from "hf" pipe bendr, but I do not like the perfomance first it was kinking the pipe at the support rollls( I fixed that by replce them with similar bar you are using with your bender, but I steal do not like the pipe to be deformating at the bend. So I will modify hf bender it will work similar like yours, but I have to make die my self because I want to bend aluminum pipe 11/4 schule 40 anodized with polish finish, my dies will be made from delrin for no marks. I want to build Boat T-top so there is lats of bending and TIG welding. I make in past many machine from scrach like, big lamber saw 40 hp diesel was movig that 12 blades one time could be use, 2 feet in diametr culd be cut ( 2years project) comercial size router, planner, hoist, lathe, grinder, chop saw --that was in Poland. Here i did small prject lots of boat accesries, electric dolly to move boat aroud drivwy, itc.
When I finish my pipe bender I will emai you picture, and hopely t-top ,
the pictures you have describe it ecelent.

- Date:
- 05/20/04
- Time:
- 05:50:48 PM
my name is robert evans. i am currently in the process of considering building a rail buggy for a desert toy. however i havent had any luck trying to find some free plans as i'm not sure yet what type i want to build. i have plenty of experiece in restoration of cars and trucks+motorcycles and now want to try my hand at a rail buggy. i live in barstow ca and this is the perfect place to have one. i thought abought a baja bug dont want to do that. do you have any plans or know where i can find some that are free? my email is revans45@verizon.net i would apreciate any help you can provide thanks

- Date:
- 05/08/04
- Time:
- 10:16:28 PM
"Pancho" Bruce Ediger, Panchosbikeworks.com/ e-mail @ panchosbikeworks@yahoo.com,Aurora, Nebraska{ formily Prescott, Az.} I started building custom bicycles at my shop, my real job is building racing dirt circle track karts for a small co. out here. I had raced for 18 years, everything from karts to dirt late models, to a little motocross{ I sucked, but loved every min. of it}. I admire what you guys are doing. Thats how I spent a lot of my racing carear racing guys with 5 times what I spent, but hard work and paying atten. to details helped me run with them. Really cool. I like your do it my way, the cheap way approach.

- Date:
- 05/01/04
- Time:
- 09:00:24 PM
dunebuggy dave
im from mo.
i have been wrenching on my 1914 vw engin and my swingarm trannie blew the ring&pinion replaced
that then found my new supper diff was bad also its so hard to find qualty parts any more
i like running creek beds and jumpping i can get into 3to4 feet of water then the backend starts
to floot up

- Date:
- 04/11/04
- Time:
- 09:47:48 PM
Website: www.blindchickenracing.com
Where you are from:Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
What you are wrenching on:I am 13 years old and I looking for an ATV but I do have a 2001 Honda XR200R dirtbike.
What do I think: I think you have a good website here at Blind Chicken Racing.

- Date:
- 04/09/04
- Time:
- 07:34:16 AM
Bob and Bobby Dornbusch
Bucklake Motorsports
Prior Lake, MN 55372
You name it I'm wrenching on it.
Bobby races KTM SX125
I have 3 HD's Softail, Ultra Glide, and Sportster
36 Ford 2dr Humpback street rod in progress
79 Chevy Shortbox Low-Rider in progress
2 Tractors, go-karts
Love buiding shop tools...
Found your site..looking for tubing bender information...
Love your Site...Bookmarked and will be back many time...
Hope to have a web site up this summer to share my projects with everyone...

- Date:
- 04/08/04
- Time:
- 11:25:42 AM
Jorge Boubion
San Diego, CA
Class 5/1600. Racing with CODE and FudPuckers in the Imperial Valley of SoCal and San Felipe, Mexico.
Great web site. Maybe I'll send you some pics
later guys
Zandunga Desert Racing

- Date:
- 04/08/04
- Time:
- 11:25:18 AM
Jorge Boubion
San Diego, CA
Class 5/1600. Racing with CODE and FudPuckers in the Imperial Valley of SoCal and San Felipe, Mexico.
Great web site. Maybe I'll send you some pics
later guys

- Date:
- 04/03/04
- Time:
- 01:54:02 PM
i want a quading m8 in spain as i get bored my name is paul and i live in riviera del sol can ne 1 help i am 13 and my email adie is paulzsignedin@hotmail.com

- Date:
- 03/28/04
- Time:
- 11:14:16 AM
I want a go-karts so bad but I can not get one cause my mom berly have money an thats why I asked
how to buld go-karts
my name is Deon Bonner
and I stay in poly on 3108 fitzhugh

- Date:
- 03/27/04
- Time:
- 04:20:22 PM
Go to: www.super-buggy.com
All the super buggy's of the world
Thanks to: Pierre Wilbords, Groningen - Holland

- Date:
- 03/12/04
- Time:
- 02:02:19 AM
Wes Reeves (Sandkid)
Salem, Oregon
'03 Raptor, 2 VW powered Sandrails, '90 Silverado 4x4, and single!

- Date:
- 03/06/04
- Time:
- 03:33:06 PM
Hey all keep up the good work. I am very intersted. Have access to bending dies now hurry

- Date:
- 03/05/04
- Time:
- 12:00:57 AM
MUDSAND Magazine Online [MUDSAND.com] --Inviting you to Sign up online for a free subscription to MUDSAND Magazine! ATV's - SAND RAILS - RALLY CARS - JEEP - TRUCKS - ANYTHING WITH A MOTOR! http://www.mudsand.com

- Date:
- 03/04/04
- Time:
- 11:58:42 PM
MUDSAND Magazine Online --Inviting you to Sign up online for a free subscription to MUDSAND Magazine! ATV's - SAND RAILS - RALLY CARS - JEEP - TRUCKS - ANYTHING WITH A MOTOR!

- Date:
- 03/02/04
- Time:
- 10:46:54 AM
Cliff Culbertson
Trimble, Missouri
Hybird Mini Sand Rail

- Date:
- 02/27/04
- Time:
- 07:07:07 AM
Chris Dolin from Central Indiana. I'm working on my 1967 baja. I'm lovin your site cause its providing me with alot of info. thx.

- Date:
- 01/29/04
- Time:
- 12:13:18 AM
corona calif.
69 baja, almost to class 5 unlimited condition. almost...... full tube chassis added to pan. with built 1835 love the site. FINISH THE A ARM BUILDUP DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!! that part has been sitting stagnent forever. well. anybody in my area build pro cars. send me a message thru the board. later -Blak Rawb-

- Date:
- 01/14/04
- Time:
- 09:40:57 AM
Great site....I am a lover of invention myself. It is always fun to build it with your bare hands. Keep up the good work. I have my own site with my own projects.

- Date:
- 01/14/04
- Time:
- 09:40:46 AM
Great site....I am a lover of invention myself. It is always fun to build it with your bare hands. Keep up the good work. I have my own site with my own projects.

- Date:
- 01/03/04
- Time:
- 08:55:29 PM
Karry G Hardman in Montana where men are men and the women can smell them a mile a way.
Very cool site lots of good info, and photos. I got my 1st rail last June and love it. Have not yet been to the dunes but plan to soon (St Anthony 6 HR drive). See my ride. http://www.dcdigitizing.com/new_page_7.htm

- Date:
- 01/02/04
- Time:
- 11:00:54 PM
Gday my name is Justin and just a quick word on the mandrill bender...just love it guys!! top idea !!

- Date:
- 12/31/03
- Time:
- 12:31:52 PM
My name is Edú. I'm from Herval D'Oeste-Santa Catarina-Brasil. Please, look for our site www.bajabrasil.com.br. The site is made for a bajamaniacs, and we love beetle.
Happy 2004 for all.

- Date:
- 12/24/03
- Time:
- 09:43:58 PM
Great one guys and gals!! I've chopped, fiberglassed, bajaed, railed buggies from the 70's to the mid 80's and im glad its still alive. now days all my projects have a 4x4 around them since i moved out of arizona and so cal. up to the great NW
I feel for you when a project gets delayed for various reasons, mainly MONEY, kids and the better half.

- Date:
- 12/18/03
- Time:
- 08:15:49 PM
Jimmie Newton
Sandy ,Oregon
Wrenching on a '97 PSD like INSAYN's, only much dirtier.
I like long moonlit walks on the beach, and poking dead things washed up on shore with a stick.

- Date:
- 12/07/03
- Time:
- 10:52:40 PM
Mike Colton
no website yet
From Belize C.A.
Trying to build my first rail.

- Date:
- 11/17/03
- Time:
- 10:34:29 AM
MY NAME IS MUGUMAN I am all over the world, i like to say hello to my guys, hi guys keep off way Ok we will see again, what a greath site?
OKay ??? -CC

- Date:
- 11/17/03
- Time:
- 06:24:59 AM
Hi my name is Renahe and i would like to be on the list of rideing events in norco. Please contact me at REN4JAN@aol.com thanks a bunch

- Date:
- 10/27/03
- Time:
- 10:51:13 PM
J.R. Conley, i'm interested in making specialized racks and bumpers for atv's after having crashed mine and wiping out the whole frontend. i had to completely rebuild thebumper for mine. bending was no easy task on 1" x14gauge tubing was a bear . i just thought i owe you a ton of gratitude for sharing this info with everybody, and i am going to build this, just because it will take a lot of time out of a task that takes forever to do now . thanks again. will send you pics of mine

- Date:
- 10/27/03
- Time:
- 09:19:12 PM

- Date:
- 10/24/03
- Time:
- 10:09:55 AM
Name: Marty van Dinten ,I haven't got one but my favorite is: www.buggyclub.nl ,I live in the Netherlands,I am rebuilding a 1966 dune buggy type: Ruska Super2+2 and I drive a 1973 1300 baja bug with a 1600 engine with a dualport weber carburater
I like your site very much,especialy the part about the baja bug rebuilding,very nice,good ideas,usefull for my own project,nice rides and events,to far away for me(too bad)A little while ago we had a trip with the buggyclub(from the site)which i am a member of,through,sand,mud,forest,military training ground for armoured vehicles and stuff,were all legal roads,just a little dirty,since then i am becoming very dirt minded,dirt is nice,mud to.
so keep up the good work,keep on buggy-in Muddy-greetings Marty

- Date:
- 10/23/03
- Time:
- 03:18:24 PM
I'm Dale Hall from Charlotte, NC, Was an avid VW off-roader 20 years ago and recently bought a Chenowth rail that needs some TLC. Can't do anything until my new house and shop are built (the wife is calling it a "shop with house hooked on") which should be early March. You guys got a cool site here, keep up the good work!

- Date:
- 10/20/03
- Time:
- 12:37:48 PM
Mark Osborne
Fraser Michigan
Self employed mechanic and engineer. Currently toying with putting a Turbo Coupe engine in a Ranger Pickup. Your website is refreshingly fun. I especially like how you all get together for the Meet Greet and Eat every few months. Something we all should do more is circulate with our friends. God Bless, Mark

- Date:
- 10/13/03
- Time:
- 12:04:05 PM
Don Reynolds
Havertown Pa
A Kit car.
I was wondering what tipe of tubing do you use? O.D. And I.D. Also I am sure you have made some sort of Go Karts before and what would you recomend?
Thank you for your time,
Don Reynolds

- Date:
- 09/26/03
- Time:
- 11:23:33 AM
i have a dodge d50 and i want to build somthiing to have fun with. got any good ideas?
Fill the back of it with explosives, and/or gas
barrels. Then push it off a big cliff and watch it explode.
That should be fun for a little while. Then build a
baja. INSAYN

- Date:
- 09/09/03
- Time:
- 10:36:03 PM
Dennis Sampson LaPine, Ore. Retired
I have a Berrien Sandrail with 1641 & dual kadrons and am currently working on a fiberglass manx clone then have plans to make a sand flea that you guys showed on buggy talk. I like your website, it has good ideas. This winter project i am planning on building a longer travel front A arm and longer trailing arms, mainly for a softer ride. Would like to know how the A arm with the heim joints turned out. Later Dennis

- Date:
- 08/28/03
- Time:
- 10:34:30 AM
Hey hows it going. Im andy.. Im a real big fan of the site!! Its got everything baja that i could think of needing. I especially like your how to for 280zx rear disks. Im from bremerton washington, its about an hour and 20 minutes from seattle by bug. Its nice out here and there are lots of semi close spots with lots of places to play. I just started my second baja project. This one is my ride, its a 73 standard. Right now im mostly doing paint but at least its straight. i got a lot of plans. and lots of monthly payments from my suzuki i just sold to my dad..... lol. Im laying down a pretty cool paint scheme, im making it white with black camo. Im planning on buying a bus tranny and all the stuff i need to install it, stub axels that take bus c.v.'s, high mount rear fenders and front broad eye fenders that im gonna trim to get rid of the lights. Right now it has a bug eye kit, The nose is in good shape but the fenders need to go. I just bought a 1600 dp case the day before yesterday. It needs a top end rebuild but the bottom end seems solid and all the lifters function. Not bad for $75. Im not sure about not rebuilding the bottom end thogh, but im confident since the last one we tried it with is still running perfect. I already have a lot of mods bought for my baja too. I have fiber glass high back seats with covers, a rally wheel, short throw, auto meter tach, roll cage, 15x10 wheels and an h4 conversion. Ounce i get it all toghether, lifted and running it should be pretty sweet. Speaking of running, im planning on buying 87mm forged pistons, 40x35.5 heads with high rev springs, single 40 idf and ration rockers.... Im wondering, are the ratio rockers good, should i stick with stock lift? and if not what ration rockers should i get. My email is redlineracer99@yahoo.com drop me a line, give me some pointers and what not, and help me out with my rocker question? keep it baja. andy

- Date:
- 08/25/03
- Time:
- 06:23:51 PM
my names rob, i have an addiction. i spend all my time, money, and initiative on a baja bug. nice site guys, when are you going to finisht he a arm poriton. im dying here. anybody that needs help building a simple baja bug only needs to look at the pacific customs ad in hot vws. they are cheap and easy. thats what i did. so more time making hardcore baja pages. thanks for the help guys. the tube chassis section kicks ass.

- Date:
- 08/22/03
- Time:
- 11:08:34 PM
Sandee Kemp, , I am from Forest Grove, Oregon,
I am not wrenching on anything but I do know Craig and I have had the privilage of watching him work on his projects. I just have to say that he does do wonderful work as my 11 yr old son loves to watch him work. Thank You Craig,
Sandee Kemp

- Date:
- 08/22/03
- Time:
- 03:52:22 PM
Hey Craig....we haven't seen you on the Sand Lake Duners forum lately... stay in touch! http://www.SandLakeDuners.com

- Date:
- 08/15/03
- Time:
- 09:28:47 PM
Bob Piel, St. Louis, Mo. You guys remind me of all of us that ride together in Missouri. You can check out our website at Mobuggy.com. We do all of our own fab work and a few beers to help us think of all this crazy $hit. I am personally in the process of a single seat A- arm car with a built 22R engine bolted to a 091 sideshift tranny. We made the cable shifter, adapter and flywheel setup ourselves. Also built the chasis from scratch. I did the junkyard disc brake thing on my 2-seater about 12 yrs ago and still run them today without one problem. It's cool to see people from different places having the same interests and coming up with the same ideas. Great site! See ya on STF. Rooster

- Date:
- 08/13/03
- Time:
- 11:19:37 PM
Jeff Moore
Grants Pass, Oregon
An old 2+2 sandrail, corvair drive train.
I have been reading posts on dune-buggy.com. I look forward to meeting you and the others in the future, I respect the family togetherness you all show.
-Jeff Moore

- Date:
- 08/02/03
- Time:
- 05:33:24 AM
excellent site. especially liked the home-made tools.
I will probably 'borrow' your design of the Tube Clamp, VERY USEFULL

- Date:
- 07/08/03
- Time:
- 07:59:34 PM
Randy Green
Lancaster ohio
Rail buggy Trying to find a transaxle that will last in the MUD

- Date:
- 07/07/03
- Time:
- 02:54:46 PM

- Date:
- 06/27/03
- Time:
- 11:00:50 PM
22RE specs -2367cc disp., 9.4:1 compression,116 HP @ 4800 RPM TORQUE 140 @ 2900 RPM.

- Date:
- 06/18/03
- Time:
- 04:41:42 PM
Jeremy Orand
Arvada, Colorado
1970 Bug ( No dents but rusted in the worst places )
Mechanic as a trade so I wrench on a dialy basis
These guys rock with the bajas. Did anyone see the sand flea that is wicked I have the perfect candidate for that and it may fit in my poor boy budget. If anyone can help with some Tips e-mail me.

- Date:
- 06/18/03
- Time:
- 02:38:38 PM
Dwight Maddox
Pacific Northwest
LT250r, 400EX, KFX400 toys
Loving Florence, Winchester Bay and occasionally SandLake
Anyone looking for a tandem axle 4 place quad trailer?
Does anyone know how the sales of raffle tickets are going from the SalemSandClub?

- Date:
- 06/14/03
- Time:
- 11:23:44 PM
L Hendricks
simi valley CA
Bad Ass sight ;) great tech tips. Can't wait 'till Craig finishes his cage so when he starts floorpan i'll know how to go about mine properly. peace out

- Date:
- 06/03/03
- Time:
- 06:20:49 PM
hey guys. phil from st. george, utah. i am looking for some free plans to build a sandrail. if you guys come across any or have a set can you please email it to me at
???? thanks for everything.

- Date:
- 06/02/03
- Time:
- 09:06:36 PM
Hey guys. My name is jason. I live in Scappoose Oregon, and im wrenching on a 99'chenowth sandrail. I enjoy your site. I think you guys are some of the most knowledgable vw people around, and im gratefull that you offer advice on Shop Talk Forums, its been a real big help with alot of people in cluding myself. Last week Mark Johnson Wrote me an E-mail to a problem that i am having with puttin on my front end on my sandrail. He said he would be willing to help me put it back together, but then when i wrote back asking for Blind Chicken Racing address he has yet to write me back. So Mark, if your reading this, please write me back regarding HELP. Thanks jason

- Date:
- 05/06/03
- Time:
- 09:30:07 AM
I like that blind chicken

- Date:
- 04/26/03
- Time:
- 07:28:39 PM
Name:Terry Helmer Email:tbhelmer at hotmail.com
Port Rowan ON, Canada.
1st project- Manx clone 1959 chassis w/LP front & IRS conversion rear. '74 1600 DP.
2nd project-Manx clone 1969 chassis w/BJ front & IRS conversion rear. '69 1600 DP.
Awsum site. I would have cut my wrists, if not for your "IRS conversion jig" article. Your tips are priceless, altho' your tubular trailing arms seem a bit

- Date:
- 04/25/03
- Time:
- 10:59:35 AM
joe joes85ranger at ntscape.net
form ohio
im putting a turbo in my 2.3 ranger any suggestions

- Date:
- 04/21/03
- Time:
- 07:18:31 PM
Arcadia, Ca
70 Baja/Daily Driver
Really cool site and projects, Dam it looks like your having fun. (:

- Date:
- 04/20/03
- Time:
- 04:40:24 PM
baldy - the netherlands,
great site, very clear and lot's of very usefull tips,and how- to's!!!!
converting my baja to IRS susp. with your help it's gonna work out!!
many thank's & keep up the good work.

- Date:
- 04/14/03
- Time:
- 07:37:50 PM
Sergio Bayarri from Madrid , Spain.
Thank-you for the good explanations on your methods of building.I have taken good notice of your
tube bending machine, will probably start building my own next week.I am currently working on a Porsche 911 carrera 4 year 1992. I bought it from a friend who had a bad accident( no physical damage to himself) and the bodywork was completely
smashed. I am using the engine,gearbox,front and rear differentials, brakes,steering,seats and any usable part still in one piece. I am building an offroad machine set up on a tubular frame. It should look like your baja
project, but it will be a four seater with no bodywork, just the frame. I hope I can have the project finished by December 2005 and race it in the
Moroccan Dessert. My e-mail address is sergio.bungyjumping at wanadoo.es
I will keep you posted on my project. once again thank-you, you have been most useful.

- Date:
- 03/23/03
- Time:
- 10:03:15 PM
Mike Henry from Reno , Nevafa. Your website is good stuff, definitely leaves awsome ideas to think about.I'm currently working on a 69' bug, turning it into a class 5 replica. using a wrx turboed motor with a 091 bus trans. I'm needing some ideas on how to start this project in the right order. love the roll around chassie cart by the way. i will be doing 6x6 rear arms with a coilover shock setup. if you have any tips on arm pivot points in relation to the trans mission woul be greatly appreciated.
(murton79at aol.com) thanks