This is where we plan to add any other fabrication or repairs that we might
have taken any pictures of. Kinda like a smorgasbord portfolio
These were made for a special purpose, and work great.

first one is Rev.1 of brake drum locks for removing axle nuts, or CV joint
bolts. Rev.1 fits Rabbit and Bug drums. When removing a drum on a
Bug recently, the nut was severely corroded, causing me (Craig) to use more
leverage. It is made of lighter wall tubing and could not handle the
pressure, and gave in.

These two pics show Rev. 2. Made of much thicker material, and can handle
higher leverages put against it. It is also capable of fitting any 4 lug car
drum, and the handle is removable, allowing it to be put in from the other side
for tightening, without having to be removed from the drum. This is useful in
the junk yard when removing CV joint bolts, and need to rotate the drum slightly
to get to another bolt.
I (Craig) made these for a buddy at work. They are a set of
Rock Rails for his Jeep Cherokee.

They were
constructed with 1.5" x .120" Mild steel tubing.

And painted
with Charcoal Grey Hammerite.